Greenlightvapes G9 Epro
Greenlightvapes G9 Epro
160 $ 170 $
The EPro from Greenlight Vapes is a premium E-Nail Rig Vaporizer that uses a heavy duty 3000mAh battery with digital display screen, a removable ceramic heater with 3 interchangeable bowl types and an intricate glass water recycler.
It's advanced 3000mAh Lithium-ion battery is easily operated using a user-friendly 3 button interface and the digital screen displays all important information neatly in one place.
You can press the EPro Wax Vaporizer's power button 5 times to turn the battery on. While on the digital display screen will show your battery life, selected bowl type, a session timer, desired temperature and current temperature.
Press the + / - buttons simultaneously to enter the bowl selection mode. Scroll through the different types using the + / - buttons and then lock in your choice by clicking the power button once. You have three bowl types in each kit (Quartz, Ceramic, Titanium) that can be easily swapped so you always get the exact results you prefer.
Use the - / + buttons to precisely select your desired temperature level in 10° increments anywhere within the range of 280-800°F. With such a wide range to work with you're guaranteed to have the perfect heat setting for any type of concentrated oil you decide to vape.
After you have chosen your temperature level you can click the power button 3 times to start a heating cycle. The EPro Dab Rig will emit an audible beeping tone to indicate it has begun heating. It takes about 30 seconds to reach the desired temperature followed by a long beeping tone. After it reaches your desired temperature it will continue to heat the chamber for 60 more seconds before automatically cutting off it's power.
As you vape your waxy oils the vapor filters through a high quality glass water recycler with multiple chambers that guarantees a smooth vapor that is absolutely packed with clean tasting flavors. You also have a premium quartz glass carb with silicone tether to easily control airflow throughout your session with great precision.
The G9 EPro Concentrate Vaporizer's also comes equipped with a non-stick silicone jar to store your concentrates and a collection of cleaning accessories to keep the device working as it does out of the box for plenty of time to come.
Invest in the EPro Rig Style Concentrate Vaporizer from Greenlight Vapes today and heat your concentrates on the go the right way.
Features & Specs
- Premium Concentrate Rig with Digital Display
- 100% Authentic Greenlight Vapes Brand Guaranteed
- Dimensions: About 239.2mm Tall (w/ Glass) x 41.5mm Wide (Base)
- Device Weight: About 14.9 ounces
- High Quality Hand-Blow Glass Water Recycler with Multiple Chambers
- Premium Quartz Glass Carb Cap with Silicone Tether
- Uses Removable/Replaceable Ceramic Heater Base
- Includes 3 Interchangeable Bowl Types (Ceramic, Quartz, Titanium)
- Heavy Duty Base with Long-lasting 3000mAh Battery
- Versatile Temp Control Range: 280-800°F (Adjusted in 10° increments)
- Reaches Desired Temperature Level in About 30 Seconds
- Extended 60 Second Heating Duration Cycle
- Digital Screen Displays Temp Settings, Puff Counter, Timer, Battery Life & More
- Ultra Convenient Auditory Notification System
- Easy Micro USB Charging Method with Passthrough
- User-Friendly Three Button Control Interface
- Press Power Button 5 Times to Turn On/Off
- Press Power Button 3 Times to Begin Heating Cycle
- Press + / - Buttons Simultaneously to Select Bowl Type
- Use + / - Buttons to Select Temperature Setting
- 1 x G9 EPro Dab Nail Vaporizer
- 1 x Removable Ceramic Heater Base
- 1 x Handmade Glass Recycler
- 1 x Ceramic Bowl
- 1 x Titanium Bowl
- 1 x Quartz Bowl
- 1 x Glass Carb Cap with Tether
- 1 x Silicone Stand
- 3 x Cotton Swabs
- 2 x Alcohol Wipes
- 1 x Dab Tool
- 1 x Silicone Jar
- 1 x USB Charger
- 1 x Set of Spare O-Rings
Optional Add On: Epro Silicone Dab Tray/Holder
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